ESSER III- American Recovery Act 

Grant Park School District #6

Funding Plan- Objectives, Initiatives  


December 20th, 2021 

What is the background of ESSER Funding?  

ESSER, as it is commonly known, has provided financial support for districts and/or schools through the Elementary and Secondary School Relief Fund to address concerns and needs associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.  For the state of Illinois, ESSER III allocations are estimated to be around $122 billion.  


In addition, school districts in Illinois received separate funding in ESSER I and ESSER II which have been discussed at past board meetings.  ESSER II has been utilized throughout the current year and will be completed by the end of this academic year.   


ESSER III Purpose: 

Under the American Rescue Plan, the ultimate objective seems to be aimed at mechanisms that can safely reopen schools for full instruction during the pandemic, addressing learning loss, and recruiting/retaining staff members.  As you know, Grant Park School District has been proactive with the belief of “in school instruction” since the beginning of the 2020-21 school year (last year) as well as this current academic year.  


What are the Effective Dates of the American Recovery Plan Act (ESSER III) 

The effective starting date is July 2021 (or when the grant is approved by ISBE) and funds end on September 30th, 2024.  Grant Park School District was allotted $514,307.  


Are there stipulations in terms of use of grant funds? 


Yes, there are certain requirements that must be met to qualify for approval of grant expenditures.  The stipulations include: 

  • 20% of ESSER IIII funding must be used to accommodate Learning Loss 
  • Funds can be “spread” across multiple years (as we are planning to do) 
  • Local Board of Education involved as well as committees/community to outline spending for the grant 
  • Submit the required grant to ISBE for consideration, amendments, and/or approval


What are some of the allowable spending areas? 

Areas include COVID Preparedness Efforts, Educational Technology, Mental Health Services, Learning Loss, Employee Incentives/Bonus/Retention, Facility Upgrades, and specified others.  


It is critical for all to understand that the funding does have a “cliff date” and should be used to address the needs of our students and staff (as well as parents/community).  In terms of Grant Park #6, we have utilized the committee and collaboration process to ensure that we are suing the funds for: 


  1. To improve the learning environment to the maximum benefit of our students and staff
  2. To address the learning loss clearly witnessed from the pandemic and/or remote learning
  3. To improve communication services with our parents in an effort to be better prepared for remote learning and/or academic progress 
  4.  To address the social/emotional needs of our students as a result of the pandemic.  


What does our grant proposal look like? 

  1.   Staffing 
  • Funds to be used for staffing include a Math Interventionist and additional (PT) Social Worker to address the many needs of our students.  Our plan for additional Social Work services involves a minimum of two years and is critically needed.  
  • After School Tutoring and Extended Summer School Services to address learning loss.  This is ongoing and payment is included via the grant as required.   


      B. Advancement of Learning Environment/Technology 

  • STEM ROOM (Phase 2 Equipment/Supplies)- Full Implementation 2022-23
  • EPSON Panels (as recommended by Technology Committee) for each instructional classroom 
  • Virtual Goggles for ES - Virtual Learning 
  • Technology Mentors -  PD and Database Planning 


       C.     Sanitization 

  •  ½ Time Custodial for ES (added back to staffing as a result of pandemic- ESSER II
  • Other Supplies as deemed needed (sanitation, etc) 


        D.  Retention Bonus 

  • Incentive for Staff Return-  2022-23-  ($1,000) only for staff who return for the 2022-23 school year.  Many area districts are including this-  however, it is for all staff (office, maintenance, caf, etc.)     


       E.  Student Database-  A Committee was formed to review a much needed 

                                           Student Database system via Technology Mentors/Committee

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Grant Park CUSD #6
Grant Park Elementary
Grant Park Middle School
Grant Park High School