Grant Park School District #6
Remote Learning Plan
Prior to the mandated school closure directed by Governor Pritzer, the Superintendent/Board of Education authorized a committee to meet, discuss, and prepare the “E-Learning Plan” to be submitted to the Illinois State Board of Education. Although the committee did not expect a mandated closure, certain components of the plan will be utilized for “remote learning” as directed by the Illinois State Board of Education.
The following document provides a brief overview of the Remote Learning Plan for Grant Park School District #6. Please note that the overall plan is being reviewed and evaluated on a weekly basis during this mandated closure. In addition, actual components of the plan are more comprehensive in nature. As of this writing, Grant Park School District #6 will be utilizing “remote learning” until April 30th. However, if the Governor extends the closure, the District will continue remote learning and offering educational opportunities. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of our parents and staff during these very unprecedented times.
Mode of Instruction
Students in PREK-3 will be receiving educational packets in two week intervals (approximate). Teachers will utilize “DOJO” for communication with students and/or parents. In addition, the district is considering distribution of Chromes for students in Grade 3 as an additional resource. Ms. Planeta will have additional information for parents/students in the near future. The district will announce “pick up” times for educational packets. In addition, the district will utilize our bus fleet to distribute packets if needed.
Students in grades 4-12 will be using district issued Chromes for continued educational instruction, activities, and interaction with teaching staff. Other outlets, as announced by the teaching staff, can be used as well. If there are any technological issues with the Chromes and/or connectivity, please contact Mr. Andy Dillman or the building principal.
Hours During Remote Instruction Time
9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
Activities are posted and teachers report to virtual classroom settings. Teachers are available for further discussion and guided instruction. Teachers can also answer questions and provide assistance to individual or classroom. Meetings with students can occur as mutually agreed as well.
1:00 p.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Teachers planning time and assessment of learning opportunities.
During these unprecedented times, communication between our teachers, parents, administrators, and students will be critical. Staff members have been asked to monitor their email on a consistent basis and use other means of communication to ensure our students have the guidance needed to succeed. A list of staff member email addresses can be found on our district web page as well. Office staff members are making every attempt to check phone messages on a daily basis and provide feedback when needed.
As directed, Grant Park School District will be utilizing a “Pass/Incomplete” grade mode during the closure. The goal of remote learning is to provide a continuum of instruction. Grading should be used for feedback, not as a compliance measure. Grant Park School District #6 fully realizes and understands that our students are not receiving face to face instruction and there should be no educational harm during this closure. However, there is a clear expectation for our students to make every attempt to complete the activities as assigned. Unfortunately, an overall Incomplete can result in required credit recovery and/or participation in our bridges program.
Grant Park School District #6 is committed to provide meals to all of our registered students. The GP Cafeteria Staff will prepare a “grab and go” meal for students. In order to have adequate supplies on hand, the Food Service Director will issue correspondence requesting parents/families to sign up in advance.